Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Strategies for the KVK:

In the kvk there are three ways to score points. Attack invaders, farm resources, and kill enemy troops. Most of us will be focused on resources and invaders because if you attack someone more powerful and lose too many troops the net gain of that attack will be negative. I.E. you'll be giving points to the enemy kingdom if you choose your attacks poorly.

Only people that have invested in offensive percentages and have accrued 200% in a troop type or more should be thinking about being on the front-lines of a kvk. The players on the front-lines are also the ones spending the real money for great and standard relocators so they have the mobility to move around and attack. The rest of us won't receive as much glory in battle but we will still help our clan and kingdom win the kvk.

The first way to gain points is resource gathering. There are a couple of things I need to mention. First, boost your resource yielding skill in your oracle and hero skills as much as you can before the kvk. Use your time boosts to accomplish this. Secondly, and most importantly, if you farm resources in our kingdom during the kvk, you will not score points for yielding those resources.  DO NOT farm resources in our kingdom or hit invaders because the same is true. Thirdly, and this is a good defensive strategy to protect yourself from losing a large number of troops due to tile hits, make sure to send no more than 5,000 T1 troops to a tile at a time and try and do this only on level 6 tiles. This is time consuming because you have to send marches out constantly but it will get you points and if you are attacked on a tile the enemy will not get many points and you will lose a small amount of troops. Building equipment to maximize your troop capacity will allow you to send fewer troops and reap a greater reward as well, so build equipment if you can. There is an additional trick to farming tiles during the kvk because of the way the game is programmed. Each resource type except for wood and stone have a different maximum quantity per tile. A level six food tile has a 1,296,000 food quantity, while food and stone have 1,036,000, iron has 777,600, and silver has 518,000. Despite the different quantities of rss on each tile type you will yield each type of rss at the same rate. For example, if you can yield all the rss from a level 6 food tile in 1 hour and 42 minutes, you will be able to yield all the silver from a level six tile in the exact same amount of time. This means food tiles will score you the most points in the shortest amount of time, while wood, stone, and silver, are the second most time efficient resources, and iron is a distant third. Silver scores 10 points per 1 rss yielded while food, wood, iron, and stone score 5 points per 1, which is why silver is equal to wood and stone in terms of time yield efficiency.


  1. This is Donkey Kong,

    I'd like to talk about shields in the target kingdom, id like a place to hide my rss gathering troops while in the target kingdom, Basically, one person needs to go over, pop a three day shield and sit there until kvk is over. I will farms my balls of and send my troop and rss to the shield over night in stead of wasting shields. thoughts?

  2. Sound strategy. I'm not sure how will do that yet though. Maybe Jon if Ramsey doesn't have other plans for his second account. Jakkdutch has a second account as well so maybe he will agree to use it as you suggest in the other kingdom. I'll send messages and see what responses I get. Also I'm not sure what Hurts plans on doing with pickles during the kvk. If He sends Pickles to the other kingdom we'll use it for this purpose.

    1. sounds good, I plan to trash invaders and farms rss like mad, but I don't want to waste shields. This strat would save our rss and troops even if we get hit during the night.

  3. I have enough troops to farm like crazy mad.
    On the third day I can then go on the attack and lick my wounds after its over

    1. That's going to be my strategy and I'm also going to be scouting looking for active movement from the other kingdoms players and for tiles being farmed so I can relay the coords to others that have more relocaters than I do.

  4. This is Wizard.

    Thank you read it and understood it.

    1. If you have any questions just ask. This is reticulous by the way.

  5. are the shields being placed by quadrant? or just where ever they want? I will find the closest one to me and bank. no worries
